A Genshin Impact Board Game fan project themed around a tarot deck.
The Project is IN STOCK now! Purchase Here.
Play the game digitally for free on Screentop.gg or Tabletop Simulator.
Rulebook | How To Play Video | Discord

Genshin Tarot is fan-made merchandise. It does not use any source materials from Genshin Impact, and is not an official product.
This project is made according to Mihoyo's overseas fan-made merchandising guide.



  • Q: Is this a Board Game or a Tarot Deck?

  • A: Its both! Genshin Tarot’s core is an authentic Major Arcana deck. But it is also an entire co-op board game built around this deck and the tarot theme.

  • Q: Is it only a Major Arcana deck? What about the Minor Arcana?

  • A: The Minor Arcana will be created as expansions! The Sword minor arcana was launched with the base game. The Wands & Coins expansion will be our next release.

  • Q: Will it be possible to purchase the Tarot Deck by itself?

  • A: Not currently. Our goal is to make a gorgeous board game. Once all of the expansions has been released, it is possible that we will release the tarot deck stand alone, but we are no where near the end of all of the minor arcana being completed yet.

  • Q: Is this project legal?

  • A: Yes! Genshin Tarot is being made accordingly with the Mihoyo Genshin Impact overseas fan merch authorization policy. You can read more about it here.


  • Oct 20 2020 - Interest Check

  • Nov 10 2020 - Contributor Applications

  • Jan 05 2021 - Application Results

  • Sep 10 2021 - Open Beta Testing Online

  • Sep 15 2021 - Pre-orders Begin

  • Dec 15 2021 - Pre-order discount ends

  • Q1 & Q2 2022 - Finishing all project assets

  • Q3 2022 - Pre-production

  • Q4 2022 - Manufacturing

  • Q1 2023 - Import & Fulfillment

Mod Team

We are a team of avid Genshin fans, with the goal of creating one of a kind fan merch for the fandom and ourselves.

Loki (Daniel) is a freelance illustrator with both industry experience and a love of fan art. He'll create our key illustrations, like the cover art, and help direct and guide our team of over 30 illustrators.

Ming is a board game designer best known for his Persona 5 Phan Game and Anna's Roundtable. He is the designer and organizer of the Genshin Tarot board game project, and manages all of it's social media.

Rice (Arlene) is a professional graphic designer that has participated in and organized more zines than anyone we know of. She'll lead a team of graphic designers to ensure consistent and gorgeous branding for the project.

Game Details

“Hello there Traveler, would you like to sit and join me in a game of strategy, luck, and divination? Teyvat is full of dangers, and you seem in dire need of a break.”
Welcome to the Genshin Tarot Board Game, an easy to learn co-op card game for 2 to 4 players.
Divine a team of 4 characters, assemble their cards into a unique deck, and venture forth to fight against waves of enemies. Defeat all of your enemies, and a mighty boss will appear to challenge your worth. Victory is attained by defeating the boss, but the game is lost if any player falls to 0 HP.Play your cards carefully and help your allies when they need you most to succeed!

Play the game digitally on Screentop.gg or Tabletop Simulator.


Major Arcana Artists

Sword Arcana Artists

Enemies and Monsters Artists


Additional Contributors


Character & Monster Descriptions for the Base Project artbook


Product Photography


Product Photography